Our little baby is just getting so big! She's been doing bettter at standing up on the stroller and other things. She'll push the stroller, but she's not ready to go places yet. Right now, I've got to be right there just in case she falls.

Over the past month or so, Sarah's been "giving love" when she's done nursing. Here recently, she's perfected it. You ask for love, and you'll get it; sometimes it'll just be offered to you. It's so incredibly sweet, and we will never grow tired of it.

This time, she got in the toy box all on her own...

and thought it was pretty funny...

Hanging out waiting to go on a run with Mommy

With this toy, I can leave the room and know she'll be okay. Sarah's really taking a liking to a few of the songs that it plays. She'll dance to the music. She also tries to climb on top of the toy though...not so good.