Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Trip to Houston

We weren't too sure if Sarah would stay on this riding toy or not, but she really liked it; definitely something we need to get around the house soon.

Multi-tasking: puzzle piece and ride toy

Multi-tasking: stand up toy and ride toy

Yia Yia, Da Da, Sarah and Papou

Playing trains with cousin Summer

Big girl Summer

Camryn was playing with beads at PaPa's house, and she put some on Sarah. Sarah really liked them; she didn't know what to think of them.

Grant, Sarah, and Camryn

Sweet Camryn

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What a Big Girl!

Our little baby is just getting so big! She's been doing bettter at standing up on the stroller and other things. She'll push the stroller, but she's not ready to go places yet. Right now, I've got to be right there just in case she falls.

Over the past month or so, Sarah's been "giving love" when she's done nursing. Here recently, she's perfected it. You ask for love, and you'll get it; sometimes it'll just be offered to you. It's so incredibly sweet, and we will never grow tired of it.

This time, she got in the toy box all on her own...

and thought it was pretty funny...

Hanging out waiting to go on a run with Mommy

With this toy, I can leave the room and know she'll be okay. Sarah's really taking a liking to a few of the songs that it plays. She'll dance to the music. She also tries to climb on top of the toy though...not so good.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Eleven Months

Having fun in the bathtub! Sarah likes to splash her hands and kick her legs in the water.

Celebrating Da Da's birthday by wearing camo...

I think I've mentioned that Sarah likes to explore and climb over things. The other day, we found her attempting to climb into/over the end table. It was more of a challenge for her because of all of the openings, but she managed it. Silly girl...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sitting Up--Done

It's official; Sarah can sit up from being on her tummy now; it's old news at this point because she does it so easily! It's amazing what she is able to master within days of starting to do something new.

Here's the play by play

Did it!

For a couple of days now, Sarah has been laying on her back at times when she plays. She hasn't done this in a long time, so I wanted to get a picture of it.

The girls playing with puzzles; Sarah is actually standing against the table while Addison is sitting at the table.

Pretty Addison giving us a smile!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pulling Up, Sitting Up, Tummy Up!

A lot has been happening over the past week or so. Last week, Sarah started pulling up and standing for long periods of time (with support). It seems like each day she is getting stronger and stronger. On Monday, she sat up from crawling for the first time. Since then, she's been doing it a little more each day. Sarah is also picking up her tummy and getting on her knees. We are waiting for her to take off any day now!

This is the normal occurrence when we go in to get Sarah from her naps. She's all smiles, and she'll be clapping for you. Sarah has also been waving "Hi" to you more and more. She'll also start laughing if she hears you laughing. That happens a lot in the car. All of a sudden, we will just hear her laughing from the back seat; super cute!

Silly DaDa...

Sarah is also getting quite the personality here lately. She definitely knows what she wants; very determined. She'll shake her head no when she doesn't want to do something. She'll also let you know when she doesn't agree with something you are doing to her. Let the fun begin!

She's not sure what to think about this new toy yet...