Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Being Silly!

I know I've mentioned before how much Sarah likes playing with clothes.  Her new thing (and I'm such a big fan, let me tell you) is to open drawers and play with clothes.  At least she usually goes to the same drawers.  She found one of my old swimsuits that I need to give away...
Sweet girl!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Having FUN!

Sarah had a blast celebrating Addison's 2nd Birthday at the Little Gym!
One morning last week, Sarah woke up much earlier than normal.  I thought she was watching TV on the floor as I was still in bed, but then I looked and found this...
We've moved up in strollers...Sarah now enjoys using this "big girl" stroller to push her baby around.  Again, I asked her for a smile, so you got the "smile face"!

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Big News...

Yes, baby # 2 is on the way!  I'm 13 weeks along, and the expected arrival is September 9th.  So, it'll be two September babies for us...We are super excited, and we really don't have a preference for a boy or another girl for the second one.  We will keep you posted though.