Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving in Houston

 Addison, Sarah and Summer with MaMa

 Going on a hay ride at PaPa's house
 MaMa with Emery and Emily

 We took Sarah to Disney on Ice.  She loved it, but it sure was cold in there!
After eating her "treat" (M&Ms) at Disney on Ice

Friday, November 18, 2011

Play Time!

 Emily is really starting to enjoy playing/batting at her toys, and she also likes to "goo" and kick her feet. She is extremely intrigued by the turtle that hangs from her floor gym.
 Tummy time is getting to be a bigger hit now too!
 Silly girl!
 Emily isn't a "fan" of Sophie the giraffe yet, but I know she will be!  Sarah didn't have one, but so many other people spoke so highly of this little giraffe and its abilities to soothe a teething baby, that I had to make sure to get one this go round.

 Sweet Sarah!  The picture below is blurry, but I had to include it so you could get the whole ensemble.  She's looking pretty cute!  She found some black boots in her closet and insisted on wearing them.  After I put them on her, she told me she was "stylin".  I asked her why, and she said, "because of my boots, Mom!" 
Sarah is growing so much, and she absolutely LOVES school.  One day last week while reading books before bedtime, she told us she wanted to read about God.  So, we got her Bible down from the bookshelf.  Pretty much every night since then, she tells us she wants to read about God.  At school, they go to chapel once a week, so Sarah's being exposed to God there.  I still need to ask her teachers exactly what they talk about, but I'm pretty impressed that it has made that much of an impact in a two year old's head already!  

Monday, November 7, 2011

Mickey Mouse!

 Many of you know that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is Sarah's absolute favorite show.  At the Toys R Us near our house, there is a Mickey Mouse "ride" as you leave.  Sarah would always talk about wanting to ride it, but she'd always chicken out.  She went from just walking past it, to being scared of it, to sitting on it and not wanting to leave! 
 Too cute!
 As I've already mentioned, Sarah really loves Emily.  She likes to play with her, and my, how overwhelmed Emily must have felt here...!
Cute little Sweet Pea!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

 Over the weekend, we took the girls to a pumpkin patch.  Sarah enjoyed looking at the cows and goats, and she really liked the hay ride.  Also, Emily is two months old today!

A picture of Sarah after trick-or-treating last night.  She didn't want us to take her picture until later in the evening.  Sarah's first experience trick-or-treating went well.  She did a pretty good job at saying thank you to the people too.  We look forward to going with her again next year!