Thursday, February 23, 2012


 These girls absolutely LOVE each other! 

 I'm not sure what is going on here...Emily really likes the jumperoo now and Sarah really likes playing with her in it.  Earlier, she was being Doctor to Emily with her medical kit, then I guess she decided to just crawl under her??
 Emily is still only rolling over to her tummy on the right side, and this is pretty much how I find her any time I put her on her back these days.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Fun with Addison and Emery

 Over the weekend, we went to Uncle Ryan and Aunt Rachel's house to visit.  Addison and Sarah really enjoyed playing in Addison's princess castle her daddy made her!  They hung out and talked, read books, and even told us there was a monster in there.
 Sweet girls are only about a month apart in age!

Addison also has a bounce house in her gameroom, and the little ones got to hang out in there once their big sisters had bounced enough.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

We've Got a Roller!

 Well, Emily is rolling from her back to her tummy only to the right side.  She's been doing it here and there for a couple of weeks now, but as of a couple of days ago, this is ALL that she wants to do!  It makes for an interesting nap/bedtime because she can only roll over to her belly and then gets mad. 
 On another note, Miss Sarah got her nails painted for the first time today.  She was super excited about it and said it was her favorite thing that happened today!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Five Months Old!

 Baby girl is five months old!  We started solids about two weeks ago, and she's just now getting the hang of it.  She never disliked it, but she couldn't figure out to swallow it.  Now, it's coming together, so I can imagine she'll be taking more in as the weeks progress!
 This is my first time adding a video, so I hope it works.  It's of Emily playing with her rattle and talking.  She was so excited, she couldn't stop hitting herself with the rattle!

 Sarah is getting so big!
 And her hair is getting so long!
Their first matching outfit.  I'm really not a big fan of matching outfits, but I'll give in here and there, I'm sure!