Sunday, April 29, 2012

Let's Eat!

 Emily isn't too sure about this...
 From time to time, Sarah gets to feed Emily a few bites, but this day, she got to feed Emily her whole breakfast!
 Looks like we need to have Sarah do this more often...I don't get those smiles when I do it!
 Mission accomplished!
 I know, I know...I need to get Emily's hair cut.  Without her bow in, those bangs are pretty crazy.
 Notice Emily's fish face; she's been doing that a lot lately.
Picture of Daddy and Sarah at the zoo.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fun with Blocks

 Emily loves playing with her blocks and link ring toys. 

 This one would not fall off of her, and she didn't get it.
 I had to add this picture because I distinctly remember one just like this of Sarah at this age.
and here it is!
 Saturday was a windy day, and we went to fly a kite!
 Sarah had a blast and did quite well!

We first attempted to fly the kite in our front yard...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

 We started the weekend with dyeing Easter eggs.  Sarah enjoyed it, and she wanted to color many of the eggs yellow (her favorite color).

 We started Easter Sunday at home.  Sarah enjoyed all of her presents in her basket!

 Then we headed out to Rachel and Ryan's house to hang out with their family.  Addison and Sarah had a blast hunting Easter eggs!  Due to the weather, they were able to sport Addison's cowboy boots.
 I stole a few pictures from Rachel.  We forgot our camera at home, which was so unfortunate!

 After we returned home, we had another Easter egg hunt inside the house.  It continued to rain, so we had to improvise.  Actually, Sarah ended up wanting to hunt eggs well through the evening and the next day too.  She also hid them herself and then wanted us to help find them with her.  Very cute!

 Sweet Sarah

 We didn't have much success at a picture of both girls together.
 Emily puts EVERYTHING in her mouth these days.
 Happy girl!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Emily and Emery

 The girls are only one month apart in age; looking forward to these sweet cousins growing up together!

 It's kind of hard to tell, but Emily is doing that same face I talked about a couple of posts ago where she squints her eyes and smiles.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bluebonnets, Bluebonnets, Oh My!

 On Saturday, we took the girls to take pictures with the bluebonnets.  It was pretty bright out, but they did well.  Warning:  there are many pictures here to look at!  Rusty must have taken nearly 200 pictures, so it was a little difficult to narrow it down!  Enjoy!

 Sarah enjoyed running through the bluebonnets.  Don't worry, she only went through the path already created by others!

 Emily liked playing with the bluebonnets.