Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pigtail Day!

 I thought I'd try to put Emily's hair in ponytails too, and it worked!  
 She wouldn't look at the camera for a picture, but they are still cute!
 I thought this was a cute picture. 
 They did an early Father's Day craft at Sarah's school, so it gave us an excuse to take a picture.  
 Wonderful picture of them!!  Sarah is all about her dad these days; she loves to go everywhere with Rusty and help him around the house.  Rusty loves it too!
 This is Ms. Lynnette and Ms. Lisa, Sarah's teachers at school.  Sarah's last day is tomorrow, and she has had so much fun this school year.  She loves her teachers and her friends in her class so much!  We really are pleased with her school too, and she will be returning in the fall.

 Emily wants to crawl so badly.  She gets on her hands and one knee but can't get the other leg/knee to cooperate.  She also is scooting all over, and she can sit back up from being on the floor.  She also is getting her first tooth in the bottom front.  
 The signature tongue move

Love her!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day

It was a wonderful Mother's Day! 

Friday, May 11, 2012

First Haircuts!

 Last weekend, Sarah and Emily both got their haircuts for the first time!  Heather was willing to do it for us, which was a plus that it was someone we knew.  All went smoothly, and most importantly, Emily can see again!  Sarah's got the big eyes in this picture because the ones we tried prior to this she kept closing her eyes as she smiled.  We told her to open her eyes big, and she took that literally!

 Cute picture of the girls in their chairs!
 About a month ago, we went to a Go Green event, and Sarah got to sit in a brand new recycle truck!
Over the weekend, the girls went fishing.  It was more like Rusty, Ryan and Rachel went fishing, but the girls had fun feeding the fish food, aka, throwing rocks in the water.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

8 Months Old

 Emily is eight months old!  She loves to blab to us and roll all over the place.  Emily is also getting up on her knees when she's on her belly.  She's a lot of fun these days!

 Blowing bubbles in her high chair...

Love her!