Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pumpkin Fun!

 We made a quick stop to Houston for Rusty's work, and we were able to go have some fun at a church carnival.  Sarah was so excited to see Addison and Summer that she would barely stay still long enough to take photos, but we finally got her to take a few at the end.  

 Addison, Sarah and Summer hanging out in the "igloo"

 PaPa making progress with Emily

 Daddy being silly with Emily
Hanging out at the mall play area

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sweet Girl!

 Emily likes to go to the gate at the foot of the stairs and hang out.
 Waiting for Storytime to begin at the Library...
 Sarah reads books while she waits.  I've been having a hard time getting her to smile for the camera lately...she'll either smile and not look, or look and not smile...
 We went to a birthday party for Brendan, a boy in Sarah's class at school.  Sarah had so much fun, and she also got to play with many others from her class that came too!
 Walking the balance beam
On the bars

Friday, October 12, 2012

First Dentist Visit!

 About a week ago, Sarah went to the dentist for the first time!  She did a great job!  Ms. Shannon cleaned her teeth, and Dr. Tim made sure all was okay.  They said she has great teeth and no cavities!

 Sweet Sarah 
 Destroying the bookshelf before story time at the library

 ...and continuing to get into things at home too!
Love her!  Emily is growing and doing so many new and independent things.  She can say Hi and Bye, she can stand on her own for about 2-3 seconds (well, not consistently, but she's done it a few times), and she's saying meow when she sees Einstein, but it's her own little version of it.  She'll clap her hands when you sing the "If You're Happy and You Know It" song, and she'll dance around to any beat she hears.