Monday, December 16, 2013

Father Daughter Dance 2013

 Pictures at the house before Rusty and Sarah left for their date.

 Sweet girl!
 Emily wanted to get in the picture action too!
 Sarah was so excited to go to the dance with Rusty!
 Doing some moves on the dance floor!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Ice Day...

 Trying our best to stay busy couped up in the house due to the "ice storm."  I decided we could pass the time baking cookies, so we did that.  We made homemade ones, so it took a while to make the dough, let it harder in the fridge, roll it out, bake, then ice them.  The girls were very patient but eager for them to be ready.  By the time it was time to decorate the cookies, all the girls wanted to do was eat them...

 Emily didn't even attempt to decorate the cookies; she just ate them...
 Sarah decorated about five of them, and then I was left to do the rest of the batch...

 Riding in PaPa's jeep on Thanksgiving Day
They had favorite sports team day at school, and these were the other Aggies in Emily's class!