Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Pictures

 I didn't get around to making a Christmas card this year, so this will have to do!
Merry Christmas from the Speeds!
Sarah (5) Emily (3) Lauren (almost 3 months)

Friday, December 19, 2014

 Sarah's Christmas Party at school
 She told me she had a lot of fun on their "party day" and was happy I came to enjoy it with her!
 Sarah's best friend from school, Emma
 Sarah's class
 Another one of Sarah's close friends, Holden
 Daddy/Daughter date night
 Disney on Ice!!  We surprised the girls with the show, and they got to see almost all of the Disney princesses.  They said their favorite part was seeing Anna and Elsa!

 Watching Disney on Ice on MoMo's lap
 Playing school in the pantry and getting into Mommy's hat/gloves
 PaPa with baby Lauren

 A little smile...
 A big smile!
A happy girl!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Two Months Old!

Lauren is two months old!  She's doing well, and she's definitely grown since her birth!  Sweet little one!!

Monday, November 17, 2014


 The girls' school held the first annual Gobble-thon last week to raise money for more equipment.  The girls had SO MUCH fun!!  They ran around the gym for about 15-20 minutes with classmates.  Each lap they ran meant more money they raised.  The kids had the option to run, walk or trot around the gym, but Emily and Sarah chose to run the entire time, minus water breaks!

 After Sarah was done running
 Lauren is doing well, but I have a hard time getting a picture of her with her eyes open.  She is usually either sleeping, eating, or crying.  She is in the middle of her first cold, courtesy of her big sisters.  The cough is causing some issues for all of us, but she's being a trooper for the most part. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Loving on Lauren

 Sarah and Emily love their baby sister, and they often ask to hold her.  It's really cute to see how they talk to her and interact with her!

Sweet one!

Halloween Time

 The girls had fun on Halloween!  They went trick or treating with friends from our church, and they got a lot of candy!
 Jessie came up with this pose all by herself!
 Queen Elsa!
Rusty spent A LOT of time carving these pumpkins this year.  I think we might have to have the girls share one pumpkin only next year, or have them decorate them a different way.  I don't know, maybe they will be willing to sit longer and help Rusty out next year? They really did enjoy them though!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

One Month Old!

 Lauren is one month old today!  It doesn't seem possible, but one month has already gone by.  The pictures don't prove it, but she is actually starting to stay awake more and keep her eyes open for us over the past few days.  She goes for her one month appointment next week, but Lauren is doing great.  She is growing, and was at 7lbs 3oz last Tuesday when I took her to be weighed.  That is a gain of almost two pounds since she left the NICU.  
 She loves to cuddle in your arms.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

 The girls enjoyed the pumpkin patch this year!
 MeMe and PaPa came in town to visit, so the girls were excited they got to come to the patch too!

 Having fun in the hay maze

 It's so heavy!

 Pretty girls got their face painted; probably the thing they liked the best!
 Our little pumpkin this year!

 It was MeMe's birthday on Sunday, so it was great to celebrate it with her in town!