Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sarah's 5th Birthday!

 By this point, we'd celebrated Sarah's birthday already two times before her actual birthday.  She was able to celebrate it again at school, and then we celebrated again as a family.

She was very excited to get Woody and Bullseye to complete the "Roundup Gang", but now she wants Buzz...It's really hard to believe we have a five year old already!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Emily's First Dentist Visit

 Emily went to the dentist for the first time last week.  She did a great job, and she has no cavities!
 The hygienist made Emily feel very comfortable and made her laugh.

 What a big girl!

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Girls' Birthday Party

 Over the weekend, we had the girls' birthday party at the house.  It was a combination theme of Toy Story and Frozen...
 Our little cowgirl posing before the party started
 Emily posing during the party; I don't have any of her before the party like I do Sarah; three year olds...
 Party friends (Ally, Sarah, Addison, Sara)
 More party friends (Alayna, Emily, Emma, Jayden, Erin)
 One of the games we played was to make "Olaf".  We had three teams.  Emily chose to be Olaf for her team.
 One of Elle's big sisters, Jules, was Olaf for another team.
 Our last Olaf was Emily, one of Sarah's friends.
 Addison playing Frozen Bingo
 Big sister helping little sister!
 Everyone playing Frozen Bingo
 Singing to the birthday girls
The party guests!
The girls had a lot of fun at their birthday party this year, but this momma was worn out!  It was all worth it though!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

1st Day of School

 The first day of school went well for both of the girls.  Sarah is in transitional kindergarten this year, and Emily is in the 3's class.  They were very excited about the start of school!  

 Emily went straight to the blocks when we got in her classroom.  Actually, she did the same thing today too!

Sarah looks like such a big girl!  She couldn't wait to start school again for the fall!

Emily's 3rd Birthday!

 This spunky girl is three years old!!
 She thought it was hilarious to get in and out of the ball bucket.
 Sweet girl!
 Taking her new Mustang out for a spin that she and Sarah got from MeMe and PaPa for their birthday.
 She got Jessie too!!
 Sweet cousins!  We had a great birthday weekend with our family!  The girls saw MeMe, PaPa, MoMo, PaPa, the Websters, Uncle Andy, Brette, and Summer!!
Posing for me