Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Pictures

 I didn't get around to making a Christmas card this year, so this will have to do!
Merry Christmas from the Speeds!
Sarah (5) Emily (3) Lauren (almost 3 months)

Friday, December 19, 2014

 Sarah's Christmas Party at school
 She told me she had a lot of fun on their "party day" and was happy I came to enjoy it with her!
 Sarah's best friend from school, Emma
 Sarah's class
 Another one of Sarah's close friends, Holden
 Daddy/Daughter date night
 Disney on Ice!!  We surprised the girls with the show, and they got to see almost all of the Disney princesses.  They said their favorite part was seeing Anna and Elsa!

 Watching Disney on Ice on MoMo's lap
 Playing school in the pantry and getting into Mommy's hat/gloves
 PaPa with baby Lauren

 A little smile...
 A big smile!
A happy girl!!