Sunday, January 25, 2015

Four Months Old!

 Lauren is four months old today!  
 She was "cooing" at me here.
 Tummy time is getting a little better, depending on the time of the day...
Sarah and Emily love their Littles...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

 Lauren is starting to interact with us more and more, and her big sisters are loving it!

 Lauren smiles and coos at us a lot these days!
 Sweet girl!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

 Silly girl!
 Lauren enjoys her floor gym.
 Sweet baby!
 Big sisters LOVE their little sister!

The Doc is in

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas Time!

 We started the Christmas visits with Uncle James and Aunt Candice coming in town for a few days.  We love them so much, and we had a great time with them!!
 Santa brought Anna dresses!
 Christmas morning at MeMe and PaPa's house; still wearing their Anna dresses!

 The umbrellas were a BIG hit; the girls used them the entire time we were in Houston, even when it wasn't raining...

 MaMa loved Lauren time!

Sweet girl turned three months old Christmas day