Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Five Months Old!

 Sweet girl is five months old today!  Lauren's favorite thing to do is have you talk to her and make silly voices/sounds to her!
 I'm pretty sure she sticks out her tongue more than her sisters did, and they did that a lot!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Q and U Wedding

 The TK Class held the Q and U Wedding last week at school.  It was the "wedding  of the year."  The purpose behind the wedding is for the kids to understand that q and u will always be together in the English language.  The script was very clever; they had quarterbacks and queens, quarters for the "rose petals" the flower girl (quarter boy) threw down, etc.  Each kid had a line they said during the wedding, and they really did a great job.  Sarah was very excited all week long, and she came home each day and told us what they did to prepare for the wedding.  She had a lot of fun!

 Cute pictures of the girls one day last week when the weather was warmer

 We celebrated my 35th birthday going to a Christian concert with the big girls.  They had a blast dancing and singing to the music!  

 Lauren is at the stage where she constantly puts her hands in her mouth.
 Tummy time is getting better.  We had to start some physical therapy on her last week to try to prevent wearing a helmet.  Lauren turns to the her left side too much, and it's causing her head to flatten.  Tummy time is something we have to do a lot of, as well as other neck stretches and repositioning her in her crib.  
Happy Littles!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Daddy Daughter Dance 2015

 The girls were VERY excited to go to the Daddy Daughter Dance with Rusty and so was Rusty!  Emily was old enough to go this year!!

 Sarah and Emily were excited to spend some time with Summer while we were in Houston over the weekend!
 The girls' sweet friend, Caroline, moved to Seattle about a week ago.  It was a sad day; we love little Caroline and her mommy Ms. Kim and miss them already : (
Sweet smiles!