Saturday, August 29, 2015


 Sarah has been waiting for Kindergarten for almost a year now (with that September birthday, she couldn't go last year even though she REALLY wanted to!)  She was very excited when the first day arrived!  I predicted I would have a hard time, but I actually did better than I thought.  It helped to know one of Sarah's closest friends from preschool ended up in her class. 

 Meet the Teacher Night!  Sarah really likes her teacher, Mrs. Coffey!
The first day of school also was the first soccer practice for Sarah!  She had a lot of fun, and she said she liked it more than she thought she would!  She had her first game today, and she did a great job and had fun!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Eleven Months Old!

 Lauren is 11 months old today, and she's just as cute as can be!  She tries really hard to pull up on things, and she doesn't stay still much anymore.  Love her!