Monday, September 27, 2010

First Trip to the Zoo!

Last Friday, we took Sarah to the zoo.  She had a blast, and Mommy and Daddy enjoyed the trip too!
 Sarah would point at all of the animals she saw; she was checking out ducks with Daddy here.
The petting zoo was a hit; especially the goats.  You can tell how excited Sarah was to see them!
Doing a good job at being "gentle".  We had to leave this area though because those goats were eating my hair and nibbling at Sarah's dress.
Wanting to go get the ducks
Enjoying looking at the colorful fish

Not a big fan of sitting on the statue things
Sarah enjoyed feeding the birds.  Mommy was a little weirded out by it all though; I'm just not a bird person, and to have them land on my head and such was not fun to me. All was good with Sarah and the birds until...
one bit her finger; poor girl!  After that, she wanted to get out of there, which was fine with me because I wanted to get far away from the birds too.
All better watching the camels

Our sweet sunshine! 

A white allligator!

We decided the giraffes were Sarah's favorite animal.  She even got to take one home as a souvenir!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Well, Well...

 Sarah found the toilet paper roll...just look at that face!
This was the original face; she knew she was busted.

When she wants to push her stroller, she'll get irritated.  This is about what the face looks like when that happens.

Sarah just loves this riding toy.  She will point to it almost every time she sees it.  It is quite amazing how quickly she is getting better at riding it.  She can turn and go over different parts in the floors.  It's a hit!

Sarah had her 12 month check-up with Dr. Nail this week.  Other than having a cold, he said everything is great with her.  She weighs 18 lbs 10 oz (10-25%), is 29 1/2 inches tall (75%), and her head is 18.3" round (90-95%).  I thought this picture went well with the stats on Miss Sarah.  We have yet been able to wear shorts on her other than cotton ones with the elastic.  All of the others fall off on her.  Dr. Nail says she is just going to be slender.  I guess Sarah won't mind this at all when she gets older though.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

1st Birthday Party!

We had Sarah's party at our house, and I decided to get creative (for me) with some of the decorations.

It's kind of hard to see, but these are pictures of each month of Sarah's life. I went through all of the pictures we've taken of her, and I found the ones that just stuck out as being extra special and cute.

Rusty and I made Sarah's cake; it was very special and neat to do that for her.

Sarah ended up getting sick on the night of her birthday, and it continued to get worse the next day (her party). She was a trooper, but as the day progressed, you could tell baby girl just wasn't her normal self.

Addison and Summer

Sarah LOVES this toy, and she doesn't want to get off of it.

Time to open presents!

The girls could not wait for the cake to be cut; they patiently waited though!

PaPa is all smiles holding baby Sarah. By this time in the day, Sarah was beyond tired, and she just wanted her crib. She kept on putting her hands in her mouth, rubbing her ears, coughing, etc. So far, I think it's just a cold or teething. We go for her one year check-up on Tuesday, so we'll see.

From this picture, it seems as though Sarah really wants to dig into her cake, but...

it was a completely different story once everyone was surrounding her, singing to her, and once she put her fingers in the cake and got all of that frosting on her. She did not want to have anything to do with it.

Addison wanted to help out, and once she started going for the cake, it actually did calm Sarah down for a bit...

Daddy also tried to get Sarah to eat more of the cake by sticking his face in it, but that didn't work.

Sarah continued to not really be into this whole cake thing; I'm not sure if she ever even got a bite of the cake.

This was the end result.

Friday, September 17, 2010

One Year Old!

Our sweet sunshine a year ago today...

and now! It is so hard to believe our baby girl is one year old today. It seems like just yesterday I was still pregnant with her. Everyone says it flies by, and it sure does. Oh, what a wonderful little blessing Sarah Grace is; we continue to love her more and more each day!

Look at that face! You can tell she is so proud of herself and excited at the same time. Sarah is really getting good at pushing her stroller around the house. I stay close by though because we've definitely had our falls, which isn't fun for Sarah or for mommy :(

Giving love to Minnie Mouse

So this is the face I get when I'm not quick enough to get food on the table for Miss Sarah. It's of course accompanied by some protest noise.

At a lot of the playdates we go to, they'll do a theme. It makes it fun to dress the kids up in different ways. This one was College Gameday. Sarah and Eli have no idea they will be rivals one day...

On the other hand, Allyson, Sarah and Caroline just might be roommates at A&M...

Sarah's having fun with Einstein again, but Einstein doesn't look too happy about it...

Trying to get into Mommy and Daddy's dresser drawer

Offering pieces of a page from a magazine she tore up; what's up with babies and their fascination with paper?