Thursday, September 23, 2010

Well, Well...

 Sarah found the toilet paper roll...just look at that face!
This was the original face; she knew she was busted.

When she wants to push her stroller, she'll get irritated.  This is about what the face looks like when that happens.

Sarah just loves this riding toy.  She will point to it almost every time she sees it.  It is quite amazing how quickly she is getting better at riding it.  She can turn and go over different parts in the floors.  It's a hit!

Sarah had her 12 month check-up with Dr. Nail this week.  Other than having a cold, he said everything is great with her.  She weighs 18 lbs 10 oz (10-25%), is 29 1/2 inches tall (75%), and her head is 18.3" round (90-95%).  I thought this picture went well with the stats on Miss Sarah.  We have yet been able to wear shorts on her other than cotton ones with the elastic.  All of the others fall off on her.  Dr. Nail says she is just going to be slender.  I guess Sarah won't mind this at all when she gets older though.

1 comment:

  1. The pic with her shorts half way off is so funny!!! She's going to be pretty thin like her mommy!!! :-)
    Have you tried some shorts with the adjustable waist??? That's what fits Silas and Caleb the best.
