Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas in Houston

 On our way to Houston, Rusty stopped to get a strawberry milkshake.  We let Sarah taste it, and from then on, it was pretty much her milkshake.  She's definitely a fan!
 Christmas at PaPa's

 Hanging out at PaPa's house
 Sarah made some strides over the holiday weekend.  It all started on Christmas Eve when she stood on her own many times for pretty good chunks of time, and she took a few steps on her own too.  It was pretty exciting!
 Christmas at MaMa's

 Sarah was super eager to play with her little coup!

 The girls opening their stockings Christmas morning at PaPa's and MeMe's
 This was the first time Sarah played with markers and paper; she was VERY much into it! (look at that face)
 Christmas at Uncle Andy's house

 Sarah is really into sitting in chairs these days.
 The girls were super excited to open their gifts.  Addison and Sarah were matching, courtesy of Yia Yia, and they were looking pretty cute, I might add!
My sweet sunshine!!

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