Friday, January 28, 2011

70 Degrees in January!

 I decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather today, so Sarah and I went to the playground in the neighborhood.  She really does like the swing even though it doesn't look like she does here...

 I'd say the biggest hit (still) is the mulch on the ground...nice!

Showing off her walking skills

Monday, January 24, 2011

All Smiles!

 Sarah has started this new thing:  when you ask her to give you a smile, she accepts.  I can't say she does it every time I ask, but she does more so than not.  It's pretty cute...!  What is cute about it, in my opinion, is she really gets her eyes into it!
 I decided to let Sarah play in this cabinet.  Since deciding that, she's added a few of her toys to the shelves.  Most of the time, this is the cabinet she goes to in the kitchen, but we still catch her trying to get into the others.

 Driving her car around the house, well sort of.  She really can't go anywhere without your help, but she enjoys just hanging out in there too. 
The blocks have been a big hit with Sarah.  When she wants to play with them, she'll say "blocks."  She can also say book, Molly, bubbles, doggie, T (tv), kitty, more, please (sort of)...that's all I can think of right now. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Little Gym

 We started Sarah at The Little Gym about two weeks ago.  She really likes it, and her favorite part so far are the bubbles!

 We had about 2-3 inches of snow about a week ago.  Sarah was not a big fan of it, but we got a few pictures anyway.

I caught Sarah trying to pull her bag of blocks as she was on her bus; she got so frustrated that she couldn't take them with her and ride as easily as she is used to riding the bus.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tea Time!

 Looking cute drinking some tea
 Sarah has been shaking her head "no" for a while now, but now she actually says "No"; it's really not accurate to what you ask her, but she sure likes to use that word!
Taking a snack break
 We went to the Trains at North Park Mall exhibit.  It was pretty neat, but definitely something for a four year old boy...It was something we could do together though, so it was nice!

Sarah is pushing Kayleigh (a seven year old); Kayleigh did help her at times, but Sarah thought she was doing it all on her own!