Monday, January 24, 2011

All Smiles!

 Sarah has started this new thing:  when you ask her to give you a smile, she accepts.  I can't say she does it every time I ask, but she does more so than not.  It's pretty cute...!  What is cute about it, in my opinion, is she really gets her eyes into it!
 I decided to let Sarah play in this cabinet.  Since deciding that, she's added a few of her toys to the shelves.  Most of the time, this is the cabinet she goes to in the kitchen, but we still catch her trying to get into the others.

 Driving her car around the house, well sort of.  She really can't go anywhere without your help, but she enjoys just hanging out in there too. 
The blocks have been a big hit with Sarah.  When she wants to play with them, she'll say "blocks."  She can also say book, Molly, bubbles, doggie, T (tv), kitty, more, please (sort of)...that's all I can think of right now. 

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