Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week in Houston

 While in Houston, we went to the zoo with PaPa and Margaret.  A good time was had by all.  Rusty and I agreed the Houston Zoo is the best zoo we've taken Sarah to so far.  She had a blast!

 What a great picture with PaPa!
 The sea lion exhibit was Sarah's favorite.  She was very fascinated with them going back and forth in the water.
 While in Houston, Sarah rode her cousin, Camryn's, Barbie Jeep and loved it.  A few days later, she rode with her other cousin, Summer, in her Mustang and had a lot of fun too!
 Too cute!

 Easter egg hunt at MaMa's house

 Easter egg hunt at PaPa's house
PaPa with all of his grandchildren

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