Friday, May 6, 2011

Looking Cute!

 Looking super cute as she sits on her potty.  We aren't potty training yet, but we bought Sarah a potty so she could possibly start experimenting with the idea.  She really likes to "act" like she's going potty though.  This time, she didn't even get the cover opened before sitting down.  Her trick is to go and get some toilet paper and then sit on her potty. 
 Sarah really enjoys her magna doodle MeMe got her. 
 Sarah likes to imitate pretty much everything she sees us do (brush her hair, put on lotion, etc).  Her new thing is to put on chapstick.  She's had tons of experience watching me put it on (most of you know I am completely addicted to the stuff).
I had a playdate with a few of Sarah's friends the other day.  They actually stayed put for us to take a picture, and they really had a fun time together!

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