Friday, June 10, 2011

Paint with Pudding

 This week, one of our playdates was painting with pudding.  I wasn't sure how Sarah would react since she doesn't like to get messy, but she really enjoyed it.  I decided to try her with real paint a couple of days later; a picture of her masterpiece will be up next time. The first experience with real paint was not as successful, but we will keep trying.

 Pretty much on a daily basis, Sarah enjoys coloring.  Here recently, she will actually tell me what she is coloring, or she will request for me to draw something specific.  Usually it's people, so those drawings are quite interesting...
A cute picture
 Giving love to Einstein
Since Sarah is so into singing her ABC's, I decided to get her an alphabet puzzle.  It is a hit, and she likes to sing the song as she goes through the letters. 

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