Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

 Cute picture of Emily Friday in the hospital
 Sarah is doing a great job at being a big sister! 
 Sarah loved the rocking chair in the hospital room!
 PaPa and MoMo with Baby Emily in the hospital
 Their feet are just too cute to resist a photo op!
 Daddy with Emily
 We got to leave the hospital super early on Saturday; we were home before 10am!!  I was VERY happy to go home!
 PaPa giving Emily love; September 1st was a special birthday for PaPa this year!
 We've caught Sarah in Emily's bouncy chair a few times; this one was too cute to resist taking a picture!
 MeMe and Emily
 We got in our Aggie gear to watch the first game of the season!
 Cute pose!
 PaPa brought this back for Sarah from when he went to Hawaii.  I'd say she's stylin'!
 Look, I'm awake!!!
 Sweet pea Emily!
PaPa with Emily.  He said she looked like she was ready to go work out in what I had on her.
Dear friends Uncle James and Aunt Candice with Emily

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