Thursday, October 27, 2011

That's More Like It!

 Sweet pea is doing SO MUCH better!  Last week had to have been the longest week of our lives.  We still aren't in the clear, but Emily is feeling better and the infection is definitely under control.  We will now work on the other "issue" gradually.

 It's so wonderful to see her smiling for us and in a better mood!!
 Tummy time, with big sister's help

 Sarah LOVES to play with Emily.  She is super excited to read to her, play with her toys with her, pretty much to do anything with her.  It's super sweet!  What a great Big Sister!
 At Sarah's school today, they had a costume parade.  It was quite entertaining to see so many little kiddos dressed up!  Not sure why Sarah had her thumb in her mouth the entire time, I guess it was a little overwhelming...
Ms. Lynnette is one of Sarah's teachers, and Sarah loves her and calls her "my friend."

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