Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Fun!

 Christmas at PaPa's!
 Sarah absolutely LOVED hanging out with her cousin, Camryn, at Christmas at PaPa's house.
 Grant and Emily
 Aunt Alison and Emily
 Having fun at PaPa's
 Yia Yia and Sarah
 Checking out her stocking on Christmas morning
 What's in here?
Uncle Andy sure is a lot of fun!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Winter Wonderland Fun

 Sarah and a couple of her friends went to the Winter Wonderland in Willow Bend Mall.  They had so much fun playing in the "snow"!!

 Loren, Sarah, Mia, and Averly

 Looking cute!
Too sweet!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Making Christmas Cookies

 We went to Aunt Rachel's house to make Christmas cookies.  The girls had a great time making the shapes and decorating the cookies!  Sarah was a fan of the yellow icing, and she wanted to ice every cookie with that color. 
 Yummy cookies!
 This is so much fun!
Sarah and her friend, Caroline, enjoyed looking at the Trains exhibit at Northpark Center.  It was pretty busy in there, so it made it nearly impossible to get a picture of their faces.  Also, they were way too interested in the trains to stop to give me a smile!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Putting Up the Christmas Tree

 Striking a super cute pose while putting up the Christmas tree
 Sarah really enjoyed putting the ornaments on the tree.  She asks each day to decorate it again.  When she saw the end result the next morning, her face was priceless!

 Sarah's decorating skills
 My favorite ornament on our tree this year.  Sarah made this at school.  When I opened it, her beautiful face brought tears to my eyes.  She's so sweet and getting so big : (
 Emily watched us as we decorated the tree.
I caught her yawning...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Trip to Cincinnati

 We left for Cincinnati with the expectation of spending the rest of December there as we waited for Emily to recover from surgery.  Dr. Pena gave us unexpected news, and we chose to wait on surgery to see if this will heal in Emily's first year of life. 
 Hanging out in our hotel room
 After getting the good news, we took an additional day in Cincinnati to have some fun.  We went to the Children's Museum, and it was wonderful!  I think Sarah could go there ten times and still not play with everything that was there!  By far, her favorite exhibit was this water one.  We couldn't get her to leave it!

 She also liked this ball exhibit.
 Of course, the Legos exhibit was a hit!
 Cute smile, even though a little fuzzy...
 One way flying with a toddler was manageable.  Also, the lollipops and "treat" (Reese's Pieces).
 Our sweet pea!
 Even though I didn't get a Christmas tree up prior to leaving for Cincinnati, I was set on getting Christmas cards out.  We attempted to take pictures two different times, and that was a beating.  I couldn't get a picture of both girls together that looked decent, so I had to just have them separate.  Maybe next year they will both cooperate better.  I probably could have tried again, but there was really no time for that with all we had to do to get ready for Cincinnati.  Little did I know I'd be back so soon!  We even get to put up a Christmas tree now!  I'm sure I'll post pictures of Sarah helping with that soon.