Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Four Months Old

 It's pretty hard to believe it has already been four months since sweet Emily was born.  She is growing more fun each day!  We had Emily's four month check-up.  She is doing great!  Her weight is 13lbs 3oz (50%), height is 24.8" (75%), and head is 15.8" (50%).  If I remember correctly, she's right where Sarah was at this age in weight, but I think Sarah was longer and had a bigger head than Emily.
 It looks as though she's reading the book...
 and then eating the book!  Emily is at the stage where practically anything will go in her mouth.
 She's also trying to roll over from her back to her front.
Emily is still not the biggest fan of tummy time, but she's getting better. 

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