Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Swimming Lessons!

 Sarah is taking swimming lessons for the first time.  She loves the water, and so far, so good with the lessons!
 The girls on a stroll. 
 Cute face, obviously talking while I was trying to take a picture...
 and also not staying still anymore...Emily is everywhere these days, and now she's trying to pull up on things.  She especially likes shoes, so that's what she's trying to get here. 
Emily's hair was getting a little too long, and I was tired of seeing it in her face so much.  Even though I did not want to officially give her "bangs", I caved and did it anyway.  Rusty and I actually tried to cut them ourselves last week, but we didn't do such a great job (you can see for yourself in the picture above with Sarah and Emily in the stroller), so I took her in yesterday to have them fix the bangs. Here's the new 'do...I'm not a big fan (too short), but I guess it'll grow out.

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