Monday, August 27, 2012

Gulf Shores, Alabama!

 Last week, we took a family trip to Gulf Shores, Alabama.  It was beautiful, and everyone had loads of fun!  Sarah tells us her favorite part was making sand castles with her cousins.  She did go in the ocean this trip but with caution!  Emily enjoyed playing in the sand too as long as Mommy or Daddy were close by...
 These girls had so much fun together all week!
 The best I could do!

 It was pretty much impossible to get a picture with everyone looking at the same time and smiling!
 MeMe brought stuff for the girls to paint treasure chests, then they were "stolen" and the girls had to follow the clues to find them and dig them up.  They had a lot of fun doing this!
 Checking out their loot in the treasure chests
 Sweet Emery...such a trooper!
 Sweet Emily...still working on it

 On the day we arrived, we rode the ferry.  Sarah enjoyed it, but she was confused because she thought the fairy was a person...
 While there, we went to the zoo!
 Back home, Emily is getting into EVERYTHING!
Sweet Sarah!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!  We love you!

 I made homemade cupcakes for Rusty's birthday, and Sarah helped me ice them.  She did a great job, and she said Daddy had a wonderful birthday party!
 Trying out the crazy coup

 Sweet Sarah
 Playtime!  Sarah told me she made a fort for the girls to play in...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dress Up!

 Over the weekend, we went to a baby shower, so that gave both Sarah and myself a reason to dress up.  

 Emily, Ally and Sarah had a blast at the splash pad.  They are playing ring around the roses here.  They didn't seem to mind the 100 degree heat at all!
 The girls have some matching pjs, and Sarah wanted to take a picture of them with their phones too.  Emily didn't cooperate and instead, chose to put the phone in her mouth. 
 Then, Sarah got a little grumpy when I tried to take another picture of the two of them together.  She wanted one all by herself (which I had already done, but anyway...)
Baby girl pulling up on the drawers in the kitchen.  We've devoted these to her so she can put her toys in them.  She has a fun time!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

11 Months!

Emily has figured out to hold the phone, well actually anything, to her ear when you say "ring, ring, Hello".  It's pretty cute!

 She's still pulling up to her knees and a little bit to her feet, but she gets frustrated while standing because she hasn't figured out how to bend back down confidently.

We are once again, at a place where we need to decide to cut Emily's bangs again or let them grow out.  So, we experimented with the Pebbles effect, but she pulls it out or messes with it.