Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dress Up!

 Over the weekend, we went to a baby shower, so that gave both Sarah and myself a reason to dress up.  

 Emily, Ally and Sarah had a blast at the splash pad.  They are playing ring around the roses here.  They didn't seem to mind the 100 degree heat at all!
 The girls have some matching pjs, and Sarah wanted to take a picture of them with their phones too.  Emily didn't cooperate and instead, chose to put the phone in her mouth. 
 Then, Sarah got a little grumpy when I tried to take another picture of the two of them together.  She wanted one all by herself (which I had already done, but anyway...)
Baby girl pulling up on the drawers in the kitchen.  We've devoted these to her so she can put her toys in them.  She has a fun time!

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