Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 5 - Magic Kingdom Part II

 On the last day, we went to the Magic Kingdom again!  Sarah was so excited to see the princesses again, that she wanted to dress up as a princess again too!  Emily recovered from her stomach bug, and we had a wonderful day!
 The opening prior to letting us through the gates.
 Aurora again!
 Cinderella again!
 The tea cup ride!
 Sarah shooting a bow and arrow while waiting to meet Merida.  Merida was quite popular!  We waited about 1 1/2 hours to meet her!
 Our wonderful stroller we rented while there!  This thing was a life saver, sans the color!
 Emily enjoyed the train ride around the park!
 The famous Dumbo ride!
 Sarah's very first rollercoaster!  This girl takes after Rusty, for sure!  She was not scared AT ALL, and later, so rode a "big girl" rollercoaster two times!

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