Saturday, October 5, 2013

Lemonade Anyone?

 Last weekend, Rusty had a Solar Trade Show in Fredericksburg, so we went with him.  One of Rusty's co-workers had a great idea to have a lemonade stand there to give the girls something to do, and it was a hit!  The girls had a lot of fun with it.  Sarah became a pro at selling the lemonade (it was free and donations went to the Solar Energy Society), and Emily enjoyed sitting with her sister!  
 We went to a little German bakery, and Sarah wanted to have the entire cinnamon roll to herself.  This thing was massive, so we tried to convince her to share with her sister, but she refused.  The little girl ate the entire thing!
 So, Emily shared with me instead.
 We went to the Becker Vineyards, and the girls enjoyed the outdoors for a bit.  It was suppose to rain the entire weekend, but it ended up getting sunny for most of Sunday. 
Rooting on the Cowboys!  The point was to get them playing on TV in the background too, but that wasn't really a success.

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