Monday, January 27, 2014

Silly Goose

 Emily is just hilarious these days, and we've adopted a new nickname for her:  Silly Goose.  She enjoys putting Daddy's beenie on her head!
 She got in all by herself!  Now, if she would just stop wanting to use the things!
 She was my little shopper over the weekend.  I attempted this a few months back, and it was a complete failure.  This time, it was a lot better, but we could use a few months more. 
 Sarah started dance this month.  She LOVES it.  She smiles the entire time, and looks so darn cute too!  Actually, they all do, and it is a hoot to watch!  Please excuse my fuzzy pictures; the girls are moving, and I'm taking the pictures from behind a walled mirror/window, so it's not great!  She's in a combination jazz and ballet class, and two of her friends in her class from school just happen to be in the same class too. 

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