Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Big Girl Bed!

 Emily was super excited about her big girl bed!  We held out as long as we could converting her crib. 
 A cute picture Sarah took of Emily.
 Sweet girl!  I love her in headbands, but she doesn't like to keep them on.
 It was Dr. Seuss week at Sarah's school, and they had fun dressing up in different ways.  This day was mismatch day.  You can't tell from the picture, but those tights are pink, and she has one black boot and one brown boot on her feet. 
 We went to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo this year, and I also went with the girls early in the day with PaPa and MeMe.  They enjoyed looking at all of the animals there!  

Looking at the baby calf!

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