Thursday, October 16, 2014

First Couple of Weeks at Home

 This was Lauren's first sponge bath.  Overall, she did a great job and liked it as long as she was wrapped up.  This first picture obviously shows her a little not so happy with it, but she was cold!  Since then, her umbilical cord fell off, so she's had a "real" bath too.  She really enjoyed that as long as she stayed warm!

 We've decided Lauren is a little of Sarah and a little of Emily.  Here, she looks like Emily. 
 Rusty loves to cuddle with Lauren and take naps with her.

 The girls love playing Legos with Daddy!
 Emily was SO EXCITED when she got her Elsa dress!!
 Yes, we already have the girls "pumping" too...
 Sweet girl getting so big!
I forgot to post this.  The weekend before I had Lauren, they had Rodeo day at church.  Sarah and her friend Sara got to throw a pie in Pastor Greg's face because they were the most dressed up.  Both girls were not so sure about doing it, but together, they made it happen!

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