Saturday, March 28, 2015

Solid Food!

 Lauren started solids a couple of weeks ago.  First, it was brown rice.  It wasn't that she didn't like it, but she just didn't understand the spoon.  Then, it was bananas, and then oatmeal.  As the days have progressed, she has gotten better; still hasn't mastered the spoon/swallow concept though.  She wants to just suck all of the food off of the spoon instead.  She's definitely a fan of solids though.  I hope to try her on sweet potatoes today or tomorrow.  I'm sure she'll like those too!  She also rolled from her tummy to her back two days ago, and she's found her voice because she likes to randomly squeal!
 The girls definitely want to help feed Lauren. 
While in Hobby Lobby the other day, Emily wanted me to take her picture with this peace metal decor. Silly girl!

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