Sunday, February 28, 2016

Blog Catch-Up

 The girls love their Daddy!

 Lauren loves this rocking chair from when I was little and pretty much anything else she can climb into, on top of, etc.  She's rocking in the picture, so it's not clear, but cute anyways.
Working with Daddy
Lauren loves to be outside.  Her favorite thing to do is walk up and down the sidewalk. 
 Emily likes to feed Lauren; Lauren isn't such a fan...
 These girls love each other. 

 The girls went to another Daddy/Daughter dance a couple of weeks ago.  This one had a horse drawn carriage the girls rode in!  They had a great time!

 Sarah went to work with Rusty, and she enjoyed it!
 Sarah and her best friend from school, Emma, at a function they had at their school.  
Headed to church one Sunday a while back

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