Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rice Cereal: Round One

The food is ready for Miss Sarah to try, and Mommy and Daddy are eagerly awaiting how she reacts...

All looks good so far; she does not know what is coming yet though...

Still thinking positively here...

Not liking this rice cereal so much Daddy.

This look explains it all; we are going to keep trying. Sarah will get used to it, and we'll keep you updated!

Wondering what Sarah's face is focused on here? It's the tv. In the next two pictures she's happily content and smiling at that thing.

Too cute!

Sarah is getting more used to the Bumbo chair. She was not a big fan before, but it's coming along.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Four Months

Trying on outfits for our four month this the winner??
Sarah's four month stats: 13lbs 2 oz (50%), 25.3" tall (90%), 16.3 head (75%)
Dr. Nail gave her another A+ and said she has excellent tone and head control. The only sad part of the visit were the dreaded shots, but baby girl was a trooper.

Addison and Uncle Ryan came over to watch the Cowboys, and we got some pics of the girls. The girls are doing better at posing for us; too bad the Cowboys let us down though.

I just can't get over how cute the back of outfits are, so I had to add another back shot of Miss Sarah for you guys.

Miss Sarah continues to be amazed at new things she sees while on her tummy these days.

Giving us a smile!

So did you notice the theme here? Sarah is loving putting things in her mouth, but the official winner is still her hands!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Sarah in Action

We were in Houston for New Years, and Sarah was able to see some of her cousins again. Luke and Camryn did a really good job playing with Sarah!

Sarah has become more active lately, and the rest of the pictures are my attempt to try to show what she is doing these days. Sarah is looking at the mirror toy ON HER SIDE. That is a new one. It does not happen all of the time, but it is becoming more regular. She really likes the round blue thing with the orange ball in the middle on this toy.

Sarah has rolled over from her stomach to her back three times now. Once was in Houston at my sister's house, and the other two times were when this picture was taken. I tried to get a shot of her actually in motion, but it didn't work. I've got the before and after though.

Sarah after rolling over.

Another thing I caught Sarah doing was sleeping on her side. She did it a few times when we were in Houston. She's not actually sleeping here, but you get the idea.

Something else Sarah is doing a lot more lately is actually grabbing toys and holding them for an extended amount of time. It used to be random, but now she's a lot more interested and able to hold on to the toys.

You gotta love tummy time! Sarah seems more interested in looking at stuff I put in front of her while on her tummy, and it takes more time now before she will start to fuss.

Sarah is also making more noises. Her favorite right now is "Aaaaa."

In deep thought...