Sunday, January 17, 2010

Four Months

Trying on outfits for our four month this the winner??
Sarah's four month stats: 13lbs 2 oz (50%), 25.3" tall (90%), 16.3 head (75%)
Dr. Nail gave her another A+ and said she has excellent tone and head control. The only sad part of the visit were the dreaded shots, but baby girl was a trooper.

Addison and Uncle Ryan came over to watch the Cowboys, and we got some pics of the girls. The girls are doing better at posing for us; too bad the Cowboys let us down though.

I just can't get over how cute the back of outfits are, so I had to add another back shot of Miss Sarah for you guys.

Miss Sarah continues to be amazed at new things she sees while on her tummy these days.

Giving us a smile!

So did you notice the theme here? Sarah is loving putting things in her mouth, but the official winner is still her hands!


  1. SO sweet!!! She's getting SO big!!! Glad to hear that she got another A+ at the Dr.'s office.

  2. She's getting ready for some teeth, thus the hands in the mouth! Soo sweet, precious girl!! Good job w/all the pics!! *Laura*
