Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rice Cereal: Round One

The food is ready for Miss Sarah to try, and Mommy and Daddy are eagerly awaiting how she reacts...

All looks good so far; she does not know what is coming yet though...

Still thinking positively here...

Not liking this rice cereal so much Daddy.

This look explains it all; we are going to keep trying. Sarah will get used to it, and we'll keep you updated!

Wondering what Sarah's face is focused on here? It's the tv. In the next two pictures she's happily content and smiling at that thing.

Too cute!

Sarah is getting more used to the Bumbo chair. She was not a big fan before, but it's coming along.


  1. Wow, she did better than we did w/ Gavin. He use to duck and shake his head no. He'd basically do whatever he'd have to do to keep the evil cereal away from his mouth. I'd say y'all had a success!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE the cereal pics!!!! They made me laugh!!! Needed a laugh tonight!!!! It did look a bit runny, but you've gotta start somewhere!!! She's so sweet!!! Enjoyed spending time with y'all....Miss y'all!!!
