Saturday, February 6, 2010

What a Joy!

Rusty and I are so blessed to have such a wonderful baby! We are so grateful for her, and we just love everything about Miss Sarah!

Eating solids is getting better. Sarah is definitely interested, but she doesn't get what to do with the spoon. She'll open for the food, but she's still pushing it out with her tongue. She will get some, but most of it comes back out. We do have success when I just put some on my finger and let her suck.

Another thing she is doing is trying to take the spoon with her fingers when I try to put it in her mouth. I just decided to let her play with the spoon instead, and of course, she sucked on it!

The monkey hangs from Sarah's changing table. As you can see, she loves to play with him.

Anything I give Sarah to play with ends up in her mouth.

Sarah's striking poses in these last two pictures. Either that, or she's starting to get her rhythm?...

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!! Looking forward to seeing her in a few hours!!!! She's SO sweet!!! Love Love Love the picture of her in her bumbo seat with the tray attached!!!! So cute!!! Any way love you guys and we'll see y'all soon!!! :-D
