Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Having Fun

Sarah and I went to watch Rusty fish one day, and Rusty took this picture of Sarah while we were there; too cute! She looks so grown up in it! It'll be the first of many times, according to her daddy, that Sarah will be out fishing...

Sarah is talking more and more. It seems like she's trying to get out a lot of words; if only we could understand what she wants to tell us!

Daddy was being silly with the toys again...

Sarah likes to shake anything that makes noise. It's really cute to watch her!

Sarah has figured out how to dump the blocks, but that is pretty much it. Well, she's also putting them in her mouth, of course.

Sarah was watching Einstein and Shiner. Einstein decided to leave, and this was her reaction. I thought it was a funny face.

Sarah has figured out how to push the animals back down, but we are still working on making them pop up. She's really enjoying these "older" toys. It's a change from everything else she just was putting in her mouth.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Seven Months

Seven months old! I know I sound like a broken record, but I can't believe it! Sarah continues to grow such a personality, and she's just so precious. Currently, we are battling some teething pains. Sarah had her first fever last week as well. It's really sad to see her in so much pain, but we are managing.

Sarah said "Dada" this week. Well, actually it was more like "dadadadadadadada", but I'm calling it "Dada"!

It was past time for me to get Sarah dressed up for the camera. We enjoyed (probably me more than her) taking her picture and getting her all cute for you guys!

Craig, Cathy, and Avery came to visit us last weekend. Isn't this such a cute picture? The girls had a great time with each other. Sarah enjoyed watching Avery, and Cathy told me Avery even talked about Sarah to her teacher when she went back to school. How sweet!

This is a new thing Sarah is doing. She wants to move, and she gets frustrated because she can't go anywhere yet. She'll kick her legs and sort of scoot her body around the blanket. She's also figured out how to get toys that are far away with her hands and fingers instead of rolling to get them. It seems like she's sort of moving with her arms/hands a bit too.

I thought this was a funny face.

Happy baby girl!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter in Houston

Easter at PaPa's with Sarah's cousins (Camryn, Gavin, Luke and Grant). This one is out of order and should be with the others that come up later, but it got deleted while I was typing and I don't know how to get it back in the order it should be in. I didn't want to reload all of the pictures again, so here it is.

Sarah is doing a pretty good job at sitting up. Depending on the time of the day, she'll last anywhere from 1-5 minutes before falling over. I don't know if I should say she is officially doing it yet, but she's almost there.

Daddy was being funny again and putting toys on Sarah's head. She really likes these toys because they make that crinkle sound.

Sarah with cousin Summer at PaPa and MeMe's house Easter weekend.

Sarah with her 2nd cousin, Jaiden. They are only six days a part, so it'll be a lot of fun to see them hang out with each other at our holiday events!

You can't tell from the picture, but Sarah is actually pulling Jaiden's hair. He doesn't seem too happy about it either...Addison is looking cute in her Easter dress!

Sarah's first Easter egg hunt.

Margaret and Sarah during the egg hunt

We tried HARD to get a good one of Sarah in the bluebonnets, but it had been a LONG day, and baby girl was just ready to find her crib, so she wasn't too into taking pictures.