Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Having Fun

Sarah and I went to watch Rusty fish one day, and Rusty took this picture of Sarah while we were there; too cute! She looks so grown up in it! It'll be the first of many times, according to her daddy, that Sarah will be out fishing...

Sarah is talking more and more. It seems like she's trying to get out a lot of words; if only we could understand what she wants to tell us!

Daddy was being silly with the toys again...

Sarah likes to shake anything that makes noise. It's really cute to watch her!

Sarah has figured out how to dump the blocks, but that is pretty much it. Well, she's also putting them in her mouth, of course.

Sarah was watching Einstein and Shiner. Einstein decided to leave, and this was her reaction. I thought it was a funny face.

Sarah has figured out how to push the animals back down, but we are still working on making them pop up. She's really enjoying these "older" toys. It's a change from everything else she just was putting in her mouth.

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