Sarah and I met Daddy for lunch, and Sarah sat in the highchair for the first time. She really liked to look at everything that was going on around her.

Our attempts at bluebonnet pictures with the girls this week.

The girls really played well with each other. Sarah wanted to put everything in her mouth, and Addison wasn't too happy when Sarah would take whatever Addison was playing with so she could put it in her mouth.

Can I have some of your food, Addison? That looks tasty...

Sure, cuz, but don't tell your mom; you aren't suppose to be eating this stuff yet...

Sarah is trying to go forward, but all she can accomplish is scooting back. She tries so hard; it's pretty entertaining to watch her these days!

We were about to go for a walk. I'm not sure what this face is all about, but I thought it was a cute one!

We went to feed the ducks by the lake. Sarah enjoyed seeing them, but we could have done without the heavy wind; check out Sarah's hair...
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