Saturday, April 17, 2010

Seven Months

Seven months old! I know I sound like a broken record, but I can't believe it! Sarah continues to grow such a personality, and she's just so precious. Currently, we are battling some teething pains. Sarah had her first fever last week as well. It's really sad to see her in so much pain, but we are managing.

Sarah said "Dada" this week. Well, actually it was more like "dadadadadadadada", but I'm calling it "Dada"!

It was past time for me to get Sarah dressed up for the camera. We enjoyed (probably me more than her) taking her picture and getting her all cute for you guys!

Craig, Cathy, and Avery came to visit us last weekend. Isn't this such a cute picture? The girls had a great time with each other. Sarah enjoyed watching Avery, and Cathy told me Avery even talked about Sarah to her teacher when she went back to school. How sweet!

This is a new thing Sarah is doing. She wants to move, and she gets frustrated because she can't go anywhere yet. She'll kick her legs and sort of scoot her body around the blanket. She's also figured out how to get toys that are far away with her hands and fingers instead of rolling to get them. It seems like she's sort of moving with her arms/hands a bit too.

I thought this was a funny face.

Happy baby girl!


  1. I have the SAME outfit for Zemira as the green polka dots pant outfit!!! I'm pretty sure it's a newborn size so they could probably be twinkies in a few weeks!!! Love all the pics!!! Sarah is starting to really develop her own little personality and is showing it more and more! Love you guys!!!

  2. Sarah is so social! Looks like she had a fun visit...

  3. I love everything about that MeMe's princess outfit! Too precious!
