Saturday, October 2, 2010

1st Time Playing Outside

We took Sarah out in the cul-de-sac to play with her favorite toy for the moment.  She had so much fun!

She would just take off and start going.

One time, she went so fast that she fell, which is why you see her crying.  Her shoulder protected her head from the fall, and we had no scrapes.

A little later, we tried to get her to play again, but she was done.

Kayleigh and Silas had a joint birthday party at Planet Pizza. 

Sarah did not know what to think about the mini carousel.

Madison and Kayleigh

Mr. Silas

Heather, Luke, Sarah and Me

After Daddy won Sarah a bunch of tickets, we got her a tamborine and beads.  She really enjoyed the beads at my Dad's last time we were there, so I figured they'd be a hit.  You know how it is at those game places; the prizes aren't that grand unless you have a million tickets or something.  The beads kept her content the entire ride home.

Just a funny face by Sarah; showing how much in admiration she is of her Daddy

After Sarah's birthday party, we had to find something to put her toys in because they multiplied.  Sarah has definitely gotten used to going to the toybox to pick out what she wants to play with.

She's been pushing her musical table around the house lately.  I have to hold it with my foot or put it against something in order for her to actually play with it the way she's suppose to play with it.

Sarah REALLY enjoys our walks/runs in the mornings.  This week, the temp was in the high 50s/low 60s though, so we had to wait until later to go running.  We tried it one morning, but I just felt silly putting a winter hat or gloves on her already; like it wasn't that cold yet.  When we got back to the house, her face and hands were pretty cold.  So, I guess I can't do that anymore.  She's looking out the window instead hoping I'll give in.  Either that or she was just looking at her reflection; who knows, but I thought it was pretty cute!

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