Saturday, October 9, 2010

Not Again...

 But it's so much fun Mama!

 Sarah is officially crawling.  She had just been army crawling all over the place, but over the past couple of weeks, she's been doing the real thing more and more.  She is also becoming pretty consistent at signing "more" and "all done" for me.  I was super pumped when she first did it because it seemed like I was signing to a brick wall for so long.  It's pretty cool to see her communicating with me though.  Now, I just need to start adding some more signs for her to learn.  Sarah can also tell you what the doggie and kitty cat say; it's really sweet to hear!
 How cute is this?
We had a slight scare this week.  I'm in the process of weaning Sarah and also introducing whole milk.  Well, a day after introducing the milk, Sarah had a rash all over her chest, tummy and back.  It continued to get worse, and then we remembered the doctor's office said she might have a reaction to the MMR shot as late as ten days after the shot.  Well, that is what is was.  Poor baby looked like she had the chicken pox.  It didn't bother her at all, but it just looked so bad.  The rash gradually faded, and it's almost back to normal again. 

 Addison is getting to be such a big girl!  Time sure does fly.

 Addison was over for a day of fun last weekend.  Overall, the girls played well together.  It seems like they are actually playing "together" more instead of just by each other.  They did have their moments of irritation at times.  It just was super cute to see them, well really I guess Sarah, follow each other around and do what the other was doing. 

 the notorious stare down


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