Tuesday, November 30, 2010


 How cute is this face?  Just priceless!
 While watching Addison one day, she decided to climb into the box.  When I first saw her, I thought she fell in there on accident, so I got her out.  As I did, she looked at me like, hey, I wanted to be in there.  So, I just put her back in, and she stayed in there for a while playing with Sarah.
 Sarah likes to push pretty much anything these days.  She's pushing the magazine bin around.
 While at PaPa's for Thanksgiving, we managed to get a picture of some of the family.  Kim is holding Slade, the newest addition to the family.  He is Art and Alison's, and he's just so cute and easygoing!
 Hoping brother and sister will always be this sweet to each other!
Sarah reading her book on the way back from Houston.  Overall, the car ride there and back was so much better than it had been in a while.  Here's hoping the future car trips are just as good or better!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Mom's Group Playdate

 taking it all in...
 Carson is actually handing Sarah his sippy cup, but it looks like he is being a little gentleman and introducing himself to her. 
 Mila is trying to catch Sarah off guard and steal her bow as she's coming out of the tunnel thing.

Just some cute pictures of Sarah smiling!  Sarah is becoming quite the talker; she's saying a lot of words that we can't all understand, but we can get some of them.  She's also cruising around the furniture like crazy, and she's really eager to walk around while you hold her hands.  

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fort Worth Zoo

 Tsavo was a big hit at the zoo.  While we were watching him, he let us know who runs the show around there!
 This was the girls' means of transportation while at the zoo.  They had a good time sharing each other's sippy cup and snacks.
 PaPa and Sarah
 Addison and Sarah were looking at the monkeys.  At one point, a monkey came right up to the glass and scared Sarah, but it didn't phase Addison at all!  I think she's become a pro at the Fort Worth Zoo.
 Aunt Rachel and Sarah
 Aunt Rachel and Addison

PaPa and MeMe with the girls

Friday, November 5, 2010

In the Pantry

 Rusty found Sarah in the pantry the other day.
 She couldn't understand why we wouldn't let her make us some pancakes with the syrup...
 Sarah was watching a Praise Babies video, and this was her reaction when she saw the giraffe.  This girl really likes giraffes!  They just might be right up there with dogs and cats.
 Some pictures we took of Sarah
 She's holding a rock, I think.

I attempted to host a playdate for the mom's group I'm in.  It went okay, but I think it'll be a month or so before I host one again...There were nine kiddos, including Sarah, and then nine mommys all hanging out in our living room for the most part.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

 Our little butterfly!