Friday, November 5, 2010

In the Pantry

 Rusty found Sarah in the pantry the other day.
 She couldn't understand why we wouldn't let her make us some pancakes with the syrup...
 Sarah was watching a Praise Babies video, and this was her reaction when she saw the giraffe.  This girl really likes giraffes!  They just might be right up there with dogs and cats.
 Some pictures we took of Sarah
 She's holding a rock, I think.

I attempted to host a playdate for the mom's group I'm in.  It went okay, but I think it'll be a month or so before I host one again...There were nine kiddos, including Sarah, and then nine mommys all hanging out in our living room for the most part.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving her fashions...too cute! Looking forward to seeing y'all at Thanksgiving! :-)
