Monday, February 14, 2011

Hanging out with Addison

 The girls enjoy playing with each other so much these days!

 Sarah just loves Addison.  As you can see from the picture, she really looks up to her and is just in awe of her cousin!
 They took a "break" to watch some TV, well, really, I needed the break!
I asked Sarah to go sit next to Addison so I could take a picture of them.  She decided to try and sit on top of Addison instead.  She gets this from when we read to her before going to bed.  She comes to sit in our lap, so I guess Sarah just wanted to do the same thing with Addison.  Addison really didn't know what Sarah was trying to do, and this is how they ended up.

1 comment:

  1. That pic of Addison and Sarah sitting is adorable! So great they get to hang together often and play... :-)
