Monday, February 7, 2011

What a Week!

 My last post talked about 70 degree days; that lasted for two days and then...Last Monday evening, a major "arctic blast" as the weathermen call them, flew in and we woke up Tuesday morning to over one inch of ice on our driveway.  It was so bad that I'm pretty sure all school districts in North Texas were closed for the rest of the week!  The temperatures did not get above the mid-20s until Friday, and then I think it was only in the mid-30s.  So, Tuesday through Thursday it was pretty much unsafe to travel, so we were cooped up inside :)  Then, we woke up Friday morning to the picture you see above.  There was the most snow I've seen here since we've moved to Dallas.  As you can see from the picture, you couldn't tell where the sidewalk was nor the street.  It was really pretty and clean snow too.
 Sarah wanted to go outside to check it all out, so we braved the cold (for at the most fifteen minutes!)  and took her out to play.  She still wasn't a big fan, but so liked it better than when it snowed about a month ago.

 We've been doing some work around the house, and Sarah is very eager to help out.  She had a lot of fun fixing the baseboard and wood floor with Daddy!

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